Hi All,
I’ve been asked (persuaded and pressurised,
actually) by Laura to write a holiday Blog, as an interesting filler and to
make the numbers up, as it where. So here goes ….
I gave my daughter away at her wedding
towards the end of August, which was held east of Inverness in the lovely seaside
town of Forres .
The last time I was in that area
was in 1963 when I was invited to go to stay with my brother and sister in law,
who was stationed with the RAF at Kinloss, which by the way cost me (or my
parents, more so) £12 (in “real” old money) for a return train ticket to
Anyway, while on the way up the
A9 and just after Aviemore. I stopped off at Carr Bridge .
As I had seen photographs in photo
magazines of the old Packhorse
Bridge and wanted to take
some for myself … so was fortunate that it was en route.
When I arrived there the sun was
just about out, so got some nice photos of the old bridge. At this point I
wondered if anyone has ever fallen off of it in the past … perhaps maybe after
calling in at the local pub for a wee dram... hic!
Seeing that the railway station
was just up the road I decided to have a look at it and see if there were any
old Victorian buildings there… sadly there wasn’t really but what was about to
arrive was the Royal Scotsman special train http://www.seat61.com/Royal-Scotsman.htm#.VC-RV2ddU40

I arrived at the hotel to see
that the wedding preparation were well underway and on the actual day
everything went well and even the sun came out to which was a bonus.
After the joyous wedding and
celebrations. I was at a loose end and on the spare of the moment, decided to
go north and tour the “Top” end (and some believe the edge of the world) of our
beautiful country.
During the previous weeks the
weather had been terribly cold, windy with copious amounts of horizontal rain
but fortunately that was all about to change.

I found a nice B&B and
crashed for the night after the long and tiring drive.
The next morning I awoke refreshed
and attacked a full Scottish breakfast (be so rude not to) overlooking a sun bathed
Orkney Islands … I thought seeing that I was so close and could nearly touch
them, that I should visit the Island and all what it had to offer and
especially with the nice change in the weather.
I managed to finish off my
breakfast just in time to catch the 9:30 ferry, which took just about hour to reach
St Margaret’s Hope on Orkney. The sun was getting up, the air was warm, the sea
and sky where blue as blue could be and I had that feeling that it was going to
turn out to be a great touring holiday.
While passing the Orkney
headland, I noticed the concrete WWII gun emplacements overlooking Scapa Flow and a poignant reminder of those terrible war
After disembarking from the
ferry, I drove towards Kirkwall and on the way
called in to see the beautiful “Italian church” which was a converted Nissen
hut buy Italian war prisoners, and with their expert talents, hand painted it and
made it into a “work of art”.
From there I continued onto Kirkwall
and visited the Wireless
Museum which was located near
the quay side there. It was a fascinating place to see all the old Bakelite
radios etc, communications equipment and posters, brought back many memories of
my youth and bygone days when radios ruled the world and our imaginations (not
to mention Lord Haw Haw).
Fortunately the original curator had the
foresight to save and collect these objects for posterity.
I only wanted to stay on the
island for two days and then catch the18:00hrs return ferry to the mainland on
the following day, so had to forge on, as there was a lot to see.
I made a B line to Loons RSPB hide
near Brough Head. I arrived at the roadside hide around noon but could only
stay a limited amount of time and unfortunately didn’t see much at all apart
from one Shoveller, a Moorhen and a nesting pair of Dodo’s, of all things ;-) but
did look at the sightings log to see that, that morning a female Marsh Harrier had
been spotted.
From there I continued onto the
west coast of the Island and visited the old stone built fisherman’s huts to
which I could imagine the rough and very unforgiving seas and hard times those
men went thought to earn a mere living.
I then visited Yesnaby, a little
further down the coast where there were remains of more WWII gun emplacement
concrete bases and a few derelict buildings.

After several disappointing
attempts in finding a B&B. I finally ended up in a hot and cold running
water hotel for the night …. Here I felt like a Gannet and engulfed a few
thirst quenching pints and a bar meal after a long hot day, then plenty of
Zzzd’s. (By the way, do Gannets snore??)
The next morning after another
good Scottish breakfast, I headed to the Ring of Brodgar, Stenness stone circles.

By this time it was time to catch
the ferry back to the mainland.
What a condensed and interesting
two days it had been and I then looked forward to the rest of my tour of Sutherland
and the west coast areas.
I drove south form the coast for some
miles while following the river Naver and came to Forsinard Flows. This
originally was a railway station, and had been converted into an RSPB site,
which had just been painted and really smartened it up.
I was amazed and how nice to see for
these days, the front door of the ticket office ajar, welcoming visitors. All
the rooms were painted bright scenic colours with simple hands on wild life tests
for children, a computer, VHS video etc and lots of photo’s and maps of the
site with no supervision what so ever.
Also a coffee / tea machine and
biscuits, which I made good use of. (In conjunction with an honesty box),
I drove further on back towards
the coast and called in at a pottery, basically in the middle of nowhere. I was
surprised to see they were still in business when I looked at the price tags on
the items
I then headed back to and along
the top coast to see beaches of stunning white sands and blue seas which seemed
to be a real paradise.
Unfortunately I was too late (due
to the low tide) to catch the ferry to Cape Wrath
and continued on down the west coast.
By the end of the week the
weather was starting to change and I stayed on Skye for the night but the
B&B that I originally went to was full and the old lady said that she would
ring her sister in law as she knew that she had a room free for the night.
So while she was on the phone, I
sat on her front steps as I was really tired and hungry at this point, then
suddenly she re appeared behind me (no she wasn’t in Panto) with a nice cup of
tea, a home made scone and jam ….
Oh! Isn’t it so nice to be
mothered again …. They are worth their weight in gold.
She gave me the directions and I
got sorted out for the night.
The next morning the weather was
back to horizontal rain. So decided to cut my holiday short and return back home
As I drove down Glencoe it was raining that hard that it was
like white water rafting without the raft.
The river and mountain waterfalls were all very impressive, especially
from the inside of a nice warm and dry car.
I arrived home at 00:45hrs the next morning and collapsed
into my own bed, which was sheer bliss Zzzzzzzz!
Who ever said that Scotland was a small land and could
be conquered in a day, is a fool and totally misinformed. As I only skirted
around the edges and that took me well over a week.
Just a great holiday and obviously the weather really made
it something special to remember it all by.
Neil ………
Pressured? mmh maybe, but I'm glad you made the effort, as now we know where to go on holiday.
Seriously this is a blog for all the members of Liverpool RSPB, and your welcome to send in snippets, magic moments or blogs on great places to go.
Comments are welcome, it's nice to know someone's reading it and appreciates the time and effort it takes to write and upload.
Enochdhu the Noo to you to Neil, seriously though, great photos and report of your trip. Will add it to my ever increasing bucket list.
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