We got out of the mouth of the Mersey and for a change the gulls didn't want to follow us or come in for the bread. Maybe the gulls were happy to loaf about on Crosby beach. A solitary tern was seen out in the bay but not much else. Looking out on to the dog leg route out of the Mersey the waves were getting bigger and the swell had us head back into the safety of the river mouth.

As we headed down to Eastham you could see the mud being exposed and the waders starting to appear and feed.
I spent so much time searching for a star bird that I even started looking to the skies for help. I needn't have worried because I spotted a tern on the Wirral side of the Mersey and shouted over the mic Black Tern! This migrant headed to the back of the boat where luckily lots of the passengers had cameras snapping away. 4 common terns were in the middle of the river there as well.
Thanks to all the volunteers from RSPB Liverpool and Burton Mere Wetlands helping create a great day.
Thanks to Jeff Cohen of Blackfox photography for the shot of the black tern and Keith Appleton for the rest.
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