Sunday 24 February 2019

Help Save Our Swifts

Swift - Bolton & Bury Swifts

Do you have Swifts, nesting or flying around at roof height over head?. Have you recorded your observations already?

On Monday 18th some of our members enjoyed a talk on Swifts from local swift expert and champion, Louise Bentley. Louise told us about the life of swifts, the problems they face and what we can do to help the swift population by providing nesting opportunities.  Louise had swift boxes on display and  demonstrated 'Attraction Call Players' which can help to attract passing swifts to your nest box.

Our attention was brought to the RSPB's swift survey which records nests and swift sightings, and admittedly to the fact the recordings for Merseyside were low. A quick show of hands showed some of our members were witnessing swifts but had not recorded them and there was also  general interest in how many returning swifts we actually had?

So some of us agreed to up our game. How? -
By watching out for the swifts returning in the last week of April or early May and recording them on the website. **Chris says- When the swifts return to Liverpool we will organise a group swift count .
And if you know they're around,  or fear old nests may have been blocked or destroyed, and perhaps you would like to accommodate some. Why not look into buying a swift box/brick & call lure Shopping!

*** Save our Swifts - sign the petition - Legislate that all UK house builders shall install Swift bricks in all new-build homes, and give incentives for retrofitting nest boxes on older properties.

Willing to write a letter, objection to planning applications  Protecting Wildlife Sites Near You - The RSPB

The purpose of this survey is to record locations of swift nest sites around the UK. This information can then be used by local authority planners, architects, ecologists and developers to find out where swift hotspots are located around the country and therefore mitigate to protect breeding swifts during building development. This conservation planning tool plays an important role in reversing the decline of this charismatic migrant bird.Swift Survey


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