Thursday, 13 March 2014

The Hind Lek Maneuver

Hi All,
RSPB members Brian, Janet and myself were up and at`em at Silly O`Clock and on the road for 06:15 hrs this morning. 
It was very misty and we wondered that it would affect seeing the dyslexic Balck Gourse neking.
Fortunately when we reached the high Moorland of World`s End we had left the mist well below us.
We had our cameras handy and ready to roll with the car windows rolled down so we could at least hear them warbling even if we couldn't see them.
As we drove along the single track road we came across several cars parked up on the side then noticed the Grouse in Leking mode not far from the roadside.
We immediately put the Black Pearl into stealth mode by switching the engine off and lowering her sails and coasted to a halt behind the last parked car then dropped anchor.
The Canon doors were already open, then followed by two 500mm Canons primed with SDHC cards out of each porthole and began firing at will ... or Black Grouse in this case.
Then within a few minutes another car came along the road and wanted to pass the parked car that was blocking the road further up ... who didn't want to miss the Lek.
So a car horn was sounded as he was taking too long to move out of the way ... then all the birds took flight as one of the drivers got out of the car ..... so that was the end of the Lek's Maneuver.
By this time the majority of the cars started to move off as it was pointless staying there without any birds displaying.
As we drove further along the road we heard some more warbling and saw another seven birds going through the motions of spring and as the Germans would say, " Four Sprung Durch Technik" or seven in this case, as the Brits always go a few better.
By this time the sun was up over the horizon and we chartered a new compass course for Lake Vyrnwy. Arrived there about 10:00hrs and went into the feeding station to see the birds on the feeders less that half a meter from our faces. We saw Nuthatch, Blue & Great tits, Pheasants and a greedy grey squirrel all feeding on the bird feeders.

So by now we though it was about time we should feed ourselves ... so made headway to the cafe there and had a nice cuppa.
From there we circumnavigated the lake and called into see the impressive waterfall at the far end to the dam.

After being impressed with that, we forged our way forward and scaled the North Face of The Giants of Vyrnwy footpath with grappling irons to hear the summit but unfortunately by this time it was 14:00hrs and was too late to see any maraudering Goshawks as the days heat seemed to put all the birds down for the afternoon and it was half day Wednesday anyway.
By 16:00hrs we headed our way back to our home ports from on `Stranger Tides` after a long day in the sun and lowered the Skull & Cross Bones flag.
A good day was had by all and only 726 photo's taken on one roll of film of the birds and beautiful scenery.



RSPB Liverpool Local Group. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) is a registered charity: England and Wales no' 207076, Scotland no. SC037654 said...

Love that fantail Neil

Fran C said...

The early pirate captures the lek. By some untoward coincidence, that same fated morn, we skulled ashore at the RSPB hide on the leeward side of that vasty moor just afore noon. Capucchino and cake were there a plenty but nary a sign of the famed black grouse