An invitation to a special evening
Date: 09th September 2010
Time: 7.30pm
Cost: Free
Venue: Liverpool University Rendall Building
The Mersey Estuary is an amazing place. It's been vital for the economic prosperity for the area, an iconic part of our history and always stunning for wildlife.
One of Europe's top wildlife sites, the RSPB has worked with residents for decades to keep its natural heritage at the heart of local decision making. Development pressures still exist though, and current discussions about options for energy production, including barrages, could spell an uncertain future for this wonderful wildlife site.
We want you to be involved in shaping its future – to make sure the Mersey remains a real asset for future generations.
We would like to invite you to a special RSPB evening to hear about the Mersey's natural heritage, the challenges it faces and what role you can play.
Dr Tim Melling, a Senior Conservation Officer for the RSPB, whose involvement with the estuary goes back 21 years, will give you a behind-the-scenes insight into the conservation history and wildlife of this very special place, illustrated by stunning photographs gathered over lifetimes of patient study.
Dr Peter Robertson, RSPB's Regional Director, will then take you on an inside track discussion about the issues that need to be addressed to ensure that Mersey's wildlife is protected for our children and grandchildren to enjoy. In particular he will outline the latest position with the ongoing debate around the Mersey Energy project and discuss ways you may like to be involved in the future.
So I do hope you can join us for a fascinating evening about our Mersey heritage. The event will start at 7.30 pm and is in Liverpool University's Rendall Building. Parking is available in University Car Parks off Myrtle/Chatham Road.
This web site takes you to a map. will be providing tea and coffee so could you please let me know if you will be able to attend? I'd also be delighted to answer any questions you may have about this evening's event.
I look forward to seeing you on the evening.
Andy Bunten
Mersey Project 233 4316