Sunday 29th was the group annual trip down the North Wales Coast. There was snow on the mountains but sun on the coast! What contrast from the weather we have had all week.
Sea watching was poorer than normally, red throated diver werent that plenty, common scoter were splash diving, great crested grebe were in summer plumage. 1 razorbill was a bit better. Waders on the point included oystercatchers, turnstones, ringed plover, 2 dunlin and 1 knot.
We travelled on to the Spinnies
which held its usual little egrets and overwintering greenshanks but no kingfisher. The feeders close to the hide gave good views of chaffinch and greenfinch. We travelled back to RSPB Conwy and tried to get a coffee but it now close at 4.30 for drinks with the reserve staying open till 5.15 when they lock the gates.
A good trip as usual with 54 species seen.
Keep birding.